List of 500 Chinese chracters(2001-2545)
Posted On Sunday, 22 June 2008 at at 17:40 by admin閑 leisure 胡 barbarian 幽 seclude 峻 high 曹 cadet 哨 scout 詠 recitation 炒 broil 屏 wall 卑 lowly 侮 scorn 鋳 casting 抹 rub 尉 military officer 槻 Zelkova tree 隷 slave 禍 calamity 蝶 butterfly 酪 dairy products 茎 stalk 汎 pan- 頃 time 帥 commander 梁 weir 逝 departed 滴 drip 謎 riddle 琢 polish 箕 winnowing 匿 hide 爪 claw 芭 banana 逗 stop 苫 rush matting 鍵 key 襟 collar 蛍 lightning-bug 楢 oak 蕉 banana 兜 helmet 寡 widow 琉 lapis lazuli 痢 diarrhea 庸 commonplace 朋 companion 姑 mother-in-law 烏 crow 藍 indigo 僑 temporary home 賊 burglar 搾 squeeze 奄 cover 臼 mortar 畔 paddy-ridge 遼 distant 唄 songs with samisen 孔 cavity 橘 mandarin orange 漱 gargle 呂 spine 桧 Japanese cypress 拷 torture 宋 dwell 嬢 lass 苑 garden 巽 southeast 杜 woods 渓 mountain stream 翁 venerable old man 藝 art 廉 bargain 牙 tusk 謹 discreet 瞳 pupil 湧 boil 欣 take pleasure in 窯 kiln 褒 praise 醜 ugly 魏 high 篇 volume 升 measuring box 此 this 峯 peak 殉 martyrdom 煩 anxiety 巴 comma-design 禎 happiness 枕 pillow 劾 censure 菩 kind of grass 堕 degenerate 丼 bowl 檜 Japanese cypress 稜 angle 牟 pupil (eye) 桟 scaffold 榊 sacred Shinto tree 錫 copper 荏 bean 惧 倭 Yamato 婿 bridegroom 慕 pining 廟 mausoleum 銚 sake bottle 斐 beautiful 罷 quit 矯 rectify 某 so-and-so 囚 captured 魁 charging ahead of others 薮 thicket 虹 rainbow 鴻 large bird 泌 ooze 於 at 赳 strong and brave 漸 steadily 逢 meeting 凧 kite 鵜 cormorant 庵 hermitage 膳 small low table 蚊 mosquito 葵 hollyhock 厄 unlucky 藻 seaweed 禄 fief 孟 chief 鴈 wild goose 狼 wolf 嫡 legitimate wife 呪 spell 斬 beheading 尖 be pointed 翫 take pleasure in 嶽 peak 尭 high 怨 grudge 卿 you 串 shish kebab 已 stop 嚇 menacing 巳 sign of the snake or serpent 凸 convex 暢 stretch 腫 tumor 粟 millet 燕 swallow (bird) 韻 rhyme 綴 compose 埴 clay 餅 mochi rice cake 魯 foolish 硝 nitrate 牡 male 箸 chopsticks 勅 imperial order 芹 parsley 杏 apricot 迦 (used phonetically) 棺 coffin 鳳 male mythical bird 馨 fragrant 斑 spot 蔭 shade 焉 how 慧 wise 祇 national or local god 摯 gift 愁 distress 鷺 heron 楼 watchtower 彬 refined 袴 men's formal divided skirt 匡 correct 眉 eyebrow 苅 cutting (grass) 讃 praise 尹 an official rank 欽 respect 薪 fuel 湛 fill 堆 piled high 狐 fox 褐 brown 鴎 seagull 瀋 juice 挺 "counter for guns, inksticks, palanquins, rickshaws 賜 grant 嵯 steep 雁 wild goose 佃 cultivated rice field 綜 rule 繕 darning 狛 archaic part of Korea 壷 jar 橿 oak 栓 plug 翠 green 鮎 freshwater trout 芯 wick 蜜 honey 播 plant 榛 hazelnut 凹 concave 艶 glossy 帖 quire (of paper) 伺 pay respects 桶 tub 惣 all 股 thigh 匂 fragrant 鞍 saddle 蔦 vine 玩 play 萱 miscanthus reed 梯 ladder 雫 drip 絆 bonds 錬 tempering 湊 port 蜂 bee 隼 falcon 舵 rudder 渚 strand 珂 jewel 煥 shine 衷 inmost 逐 pursue 斥 reject 稀 rare 癌 cancer 峨 high mountain 嘘 lie 旛 flag 篭 seclude oneself 芙 lotus 詔 imperial edict 皐 swamp 雛 chick 娼 prostitute 篆 seal-style characters 鮫 shark 椅 chair 惟 consider 牌 label 宕 cave 喧 noisy 佑 help 蒋 reed 樟 camphor 耀 shine 黛 blackened eyebrows 叱 scold 櫛 comb 渥 kindness 挨 push open 憧 yearnafter 濡 get wet 槍 spear 宵 wee hours 襄 rise 妄 delusion 惇 sincere 蛋 egg 脩 dried meat 笘 whip 宍 muscles 甫 for the first time 酌 bartending 壕 trench 嬉 glad 囃 play (music) 蒼 blue 餌 food 簗 weirfish trap 峙 tower 粥 rice gruel 舘 mansion 銕 鄒 place name 蜷 an edible river snail 暉 shine 捧 lift up 頒 distribute 只 only 肢 limb 箏 a koto 檀 cedar 鵠 swan 凱 victory song 彗 comet 謄 mimeograph 諌 admonish 樫 evergreen oak 噂 rumor 脊 stature 牝 female 梓 catalpa tree 洛 Kyoto 醍 whey 砦 fort 丑 sign of the ox or cow 笏 mace 蕨 bracken 噺 talk 抒 tell 嗣 heir 隈 corner 叶 grant 凄 uncanny 汐 eventide 絢 kimono design 叩 strike 嫉 jealous 朔 conjunction (astronomy) 蔡 type of tortoise used for divination 膝 knee 鍾 spindle 仇 foe 伽 nursing 夷 barbarian 恣 selfish 瞑 sleep 畝 furrow 抄 extract 杭 stake 寓 temporary abode 麺 noodles 戴 be crowned with 爽 refreshing 裾 cuff 黎 dark 惰 lazy 坐 sit 鍼 needle 蛮 barbarian 塙 projecting tableland or mountain 冴 be clear 旺 flourishing 葦 reed 礒 rock 咸 all 萌 show symptoms of 饗 banquet 歪 warp 冥 dark 偲 recollect 壱 I 瑠 lapis lazuli 韮 leek 漕 rowing 杵 wooden pestle 薔 a kind of grass 膠 glue 允 license 眞 truth 蒙 ignorance 蕃 grow luxuriously 呑 drink 侯 marquis 碓 茗 tea 麓 foot of a mountain 瀕 shore 蒔 sow (seeds) 鯉 carp 竪 length 弧 arc 稽 think 瘤 lump 澤 swamp 溥 far and wide 遥 far off 蹴 kick 或 some 訃 obituary 矩 ruler 厦 house 冤 false charge 剥 come off 舜 type of morning glory 侠 tomboy 贅 luxury 杖 staff 蓋 cover 畏 fear 喉 throat 汪 flowing full 猷 瑛 sparkle of jewelry 搜 曼 wide 附 affixed 彪 spotted 撚 twist 噛 chew 卯 sign of the hare 桝 measuring 撫 stroke 喋 talk 但 however 溢 overflow 闊 wide 藏 hide 浙 name of a Chinese river 彭 swelling 淘 select 剃 shave 揃 be complete 綺 figured cloth 徘 wander 巷 fork in road 竿 pole 蟹 crab 芋 potato 袁 long kimono 舩 拭 wipe 茜 madder 凌 endure 頬 cheek 厨 kitchen 犀 rhinocerous 簑 皓 white 甦 be resuscitated 洸 sparkling water 毬 burr 檄 written appeal 姚 beautiful 蛭 leech 婆 old woman 叢 plexus 椙 Japanese cedar 轟 roar 贋 counterfeit 洒 wash 貰 get 儲 be profitable 緋 scarlet 貼 stick 諜 spy out 鯛 sea bream 甕 jar 喘 pant 怜 wise 溜 collect 邑 village 鉾 halberd 倣 emulate 碧 blue 燈 nonstandard for J825 諦 abandon 煎 broil 瓜 melon 緻 fine (i.e. not coarse) 哺 nurse 槌 hammer 啄 peck 穣 good crops 嗜 like 偕 together 罵 abuse 酉 sign of the bird 蹄 hoof 頚 neck 胚 embryo 牢 prison 糞 shit 悌 serving our elders 吊 suspend 楕 ellipse 鮭 salmon 乞 beg 倹 frugal 嗅 smell 詫 apologize 鱒 salmon trout 蔑 ignore 轍 rut 醤 a kind of miso 惚 fall in love with 廣 broad 藁 straw 柚 citron 舛 dancing radical 縞 stripe 謳 extol 杞 river willow 鱗 scales (fish) 繭 cocoon 釘 nail 弛 slacken 狸 tanuki 壬 9th calendar sign 硯 inkstone 蝦 shrimp 賦 levy 頁 page 巾 towel 貌 form 肛 anus 宛 address 痔 piles 裳 skirt 云 say 腺 gland 倦 lose interest in 綬 ribbon 耗 decrease 箇 counters for things 迄 until 墾 ground-breaking 弐 II 謁 audience 虞 uneasiness 且 moreover 斤 axe 璽 emperor's seal 勺 ladle 爵 baron 丙 third class 匁 monme 戊 5th calendar sign 庚 7th 癸 10th calendar sign 亥 sign of the hog 閖 S12 汰 luxury 梢 treetops 菫 the violet 綸 thread 笙 a reed instrument 燿 shine 澪 water route 燎 burn 滉 deep and broad 昴 the Pleiades 晟 clear 晨 morning 瞭 clear 崚 towering in a row 勁 strong 麟 Chinese unicorn 奎 star 宥 soothe 琳 jewel 柾 straight grain 冶 melting 凪 lull 紬 pongee (a knotted silk cloth) 凜 cold 汀 water's edge 捺 press 柊 holly 碩 large 捷 victory 燦 brilliant 竣 end 醇 pure sake' 颯 suddenly 菖 iris 采 dice 瑳 polish 衿 neck 茄 eggplant 侃 strong 倖 happiness 鞠 ball 瑚 ancestral offering receptacle 梧 Chinese parasol tree 玖 beautiful black jewel 叡 intelligence 熙 bright 胤 descendent 爾 you 麿 I 丞 help 亦 also 紗 gauze 耶 question mark 頌 eulogy 眸 pupil of the eye 璃 glassy 蕗 butterbur 洵 alike 侑 urge to eat 迪 edify 袈 a coarse camlet 旦 nightbreak 濫 excessive 脹 dilate 詢 consult with 諄 tedious 諒 fact 椰 coconut tree 晏 late 痘 pox 栞 bookmark 嵩 be aggravated 哉 how 遵 abide by 誼 friendship 椋 type of deciduous tree 裟 Buddhist surplice 伶 actor 蓉 lotus 戌 7-9PM 楓 maple 吏 officer 昂 rise 朕 majestic plural 絃 string 莉 jasmine 瑶 beautiful as a jewel 茉 jasmine 莞 reed used to cover tatami 錘 weight 恕 excuse 塑 model 銑 pig iron 伎 skill